Sticky Notes

A (super basic) Google Keep clone I built with my brother Tim


18 Jul 2020


mongo node react javascript scss

My brother Tim and I just built a very simple bulletin board sticky note app. Similar to Google Keep (but with way less features), this app lets you jot down thoughts and notes online, and then return to them later. Mostly, it was an exercise in the MERN stack, UI design, and persistent web data.

Here's what the app looks like now (as of July 19th 2020).

Finished Sticky Note App

Here's how it works #

The backend is a simple Node / Express API and web server. The API sets up endpoint and listens for requests. These include creating a board, verifying a board exists, getting all notes from a board, deleting a note, editing a note, and changing a notes' color. Here's an overview of the API endpoints we set up.

POST 'api/board' // Creates a new board 
GET 'api/verifyBoard/:bid' // Verifies board exists in DB
USE 'api/board/:bid' // Finds board by ID
GET 'api/board/:bid/notes' // Get all notes
POST 'api/board/:bid/note' // Create new note
DELETE 'api/board/:bid//note/:id' // Delete note by ID
POST 'api/board/:bid/note/:id/changeColor/:color' // Change color of a note
POST 'api/board/:bid/note/:id/changeContent' // Edit note content

For those familiar with APIs, this likely needs no further explanation. For anyone else, this is a very simple REST API. These endpoints will listen for requests from the front-end (a React app in our case) and take the actions shown above. To create a note for example, the request would look something like this:

    URL '/board/5f13613d79ab2f0217689f8e/note'
content: 'My first sticky note',
color: 'yellow'

This HTTP request is sent from the user's web client to the backend. When the API we set up receives the request, it adds a new note to the board with ID 5f13613d79ab2f0217689f8e.

The Front End #

After testing the API with POSTMAN (a sweet app that lets you test HTTP request before building a front-end), we began work on the front-end in React.

We used Create React App to breeze over the complexities of Babel, Webpack, SCSS, and hot reloading, and skip right to building in React.

The structure of this app is v simple. Here is our initial sketch on how we'd layout the React components.

React Component Layout

After setting up the React Components, we had a cool looking online bulletin board... but the problem was, every person who visited the site shared the same board.

To fix this, we added a board model to the database. Every time a new user visits the site api/board is hit, automatically creating a new board, and returning the new board's ID to the client. This ID is then saved in local storage, and inserted into any future request this user makes. Doing it this way avoids creating user accounts, passwords, and bloating the app with user credentials. Now, every user has their own board. I used a very similar method when creating Grocery List.

The site is live here if you want to check it out : )

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